About Karmen Toros

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So far Karmen Toros has created 36 blog entries.

“Õpime kuulama päriselt”! – “Let’s learn to truly listen!”


Nii sõnas Vabariigi presidendi abikaasa 20. novembril toimunud Lastekaitse Liidu konverentsil "Kuula mind päriselt!", mis on pühendatud Lapse õiguste konventsiooni [...]

“Õpime kuulama päriselt”! – “Let’s learn to truly listen!”2024-11-20T22:13:44+02:00

New study available now: Occupational Well-Being and Professional Development of Local Government Social and Child Protection Workers


CIRIC was involved in conducting research on occupational well-being and professional development of social workers and child protection workers. The [...]

New study available now: Occupational Well-Being and Professional Development of Local Government Social and Child Protection Workers2024-11-11T07:20:58+02:00

CIRIC filming a video about the usefulness of the Signs of Safety model in a university context


Ingrid and Karmen participated in the filming of a video organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs. We talked about [...]

CIRIC filming a video about the usefulness of the Signs of Safety model in a university context2024-09-12T04:58:08+03:00

CIRIC participates in the steering committee for child-friendly justice in the i-RESTORE 2.0 project


The aim of the project is to promote access to quality restorative justice processes in cases involving children and young [...]

CIRIC participates in the steering committee for child-friendly justice in the i-RESTORE 2.0 project2024-07-01T11:37:24+03:00

Introductory video for the project Enhancing Child’s Right for Participation in Child Protection Assessment (COMPENCA)


This video introduces the main outcome of the project - the book Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s [...]

Introductory video for the project Enhancing Child’s Right for Participation in Child Protection Assessment (COMPENCA)2024-04-29T18:02:53+03:00
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