Selection of scientific publications by the people of the Centre

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2024). Solution-focused approach: a way of facilitating children’s participation and understanding children’s experiences, needs, and wishes. Journal of Family Social Work, 28(1), 22−31.

Toros, K., Kriisk, K., Lehtme, R., Toots, A., Neeme, E., & Sirotkina, R. (2024). Kohalike omavalitsuste sotsiaal- ja lastekaitsetöötajate tööheaolu ja ametialane areng [Occupational well-being and professional development of social workers and child protection workers in local governments]. Tööheaolu uuring. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, CIRIC. Uuringu küsitlusankeet

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2024). I got to say two or three lines”—A systematic review of children’s participation in Child Protective Services. Child Abuse & Neglect, 106934,

Toros, K., Kozmenko, O., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2024). ‘I just want to go home, is what I need’ – Voices of Ukrainian refugee children living in Estonia after fleeing the war. Children and Youth Services Review, 158, 107461,

Lehtme, R., & Toros, K. (2022). Child-centred approach to shared parenting: Parents’ experiences of bird’s nest parenting arrangement. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 41, 269−286,

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2024). Å uttrykke seg i barnevernet: Profesjonell praksis og barnets rett. Universitetsforlaget. Scandinavian University Press. see HERE

Harrik, A. (2024). Ukraina lastel aitas Eestisse jõudes kohaneda rahustav loodus. Novaator, 13.02,2024. Interview with prof. Karmen Toros, read HERE.

Saarnik, H., Sindi, I., & Toros, K. (2023). Well, the child can`t choose, right? – Foster children`s participation experiences of child protection removal practices. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 41, 707718 ,

Toros, K., Sindi, I., Lehtme, R., Schults, A., Liik, K., & Saia, K. (2023). A Study of the Closed Childcare Institution Service in Estonia. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, read HERE

Toros, K., Falch-Eriksen, A., & Lehtme, R. (2023). Challenges to social work professionalism during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of child protective workers´ perspectives. Journal of Social Work Practice: Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community,

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2023). Professional practice in rights-based foster care, and the child’s right to participate. In Claudia Equit & Jade Purtell (Eds.), Children’s Rights to Participate in Out-of-Home: Care International Social Work Contexts (pp. 50−64). New York: Routledge.

Toros, K. (2023). ‘The pandemic affected my life in a negative way’: The experiences of Estonian children in Child Protective Services during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic. Children & Society, 37(3), 661−673.

Toros, K., Falch-Eriksen, A., Lehtme, R., Saia, K., McInnes, A.,  Soppitt, S., Oswald, R., & Walker, S. (2023). The digital turn in social work education and practice. In Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition (pp. 167−183). Springer (Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology).

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus. Tallinna Ülikool: CIRIC. An open access book in Estonian, download HERE

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate. New York: Routledge. An open access book, download HERE

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Children’s right to express themselves in child protection casework. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 1−16). New York: Routledge.

Toros, K. (2022). Rights-based professional practice: Situating the academic discourse. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 17−30). New York: Routledge.

Falch-Eriksen, A. (2022). Professional child protection and the child’s freedom of expression. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 31−46). New York: Routledge.

Toros, K., & Lehtme, R. (2022). The case of assessment: Child participation during administrative proceedings. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 47−62). New York: Routledge.

Saia, K. (2022). The case of social rehabilitation. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 75−88). New York: Routledge.

Sindi, I. (2022). Participation of children in residential care. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 89−101). New York: Routledge.

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Conclusion: Making rights a part of professional practice. In Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Karmen Toros (Eds.), Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate (pp. 102−114). New York: Routledge.

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Lapse õigus arvamust avaldada lastekaitse juhtumikorralduses. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (6−19). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Toros, K. (2022). Õigustel põhinev lastekaitsetöö. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (20−33). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Falch-Eriksen, A. (2022). Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse väljendusvabadus. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (34−48). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Toros, K. & Lehtme, R. (2022). Hindamine lastekaitse juhtumimenetluses: lapse osaluse tagamine. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (49−65). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Saia, K. (2022). Sotsiaalne rehabiltatsioon. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (78−92). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Sindi, I. (2022). Asendushooldusele paigutatud laste osalus. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (93−107). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Falch-Eriksen, A., & Toros, K. (2022). Õiguste muutmine professionaalse lastekaitsetöö praktika osaks. Kogumikus A. Falch-Eriksen, K. Toros (Toim.), Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus (108−119). Tallinn: CIRIC.

Toros, K. (2022). Osalus on lapse parimates huvides tehtud otsuse eeltingimus. Märka Last, 11, 18–19. Loe SIIN

Toros, K. (2022). Kuidas mõista lapse osalusõigust lastekaitsetöös? Raamat „Lastekaitsetöö ja lapse osalusõigus“ Sotsiaaltöö. Loe SIIN

Saia, K., Liik, K., Schults, A., & Malmberg, J. (2022). Lastekaitse-, haridus, sotsiaal- ja õiguskaitsesüsteemi koostöö kinnise lasteasutuse teenuse laste hüvanguks: kitsaskohad ja lahendused. Uuringuraport. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, CIRIC. Esmased tulemused on leitavad SIIN

Sindi, I., Lehtme, R., & Toros, K. (2022). Kohaliku omavalitsuse ja tugivõrgustiku pakutav abi lapsele ja perele enne kinnise lasteasutuse teenuse (KLAT) osutamist, teenuse ajal ning pärast teenust. Uuringuraport. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, CIRIC. Esmased tulemused on leitavad SIIN

Toros, K., & Sindi, I. (2022). Storytelling: A Method for Enabling a Child to Become an Active Participant in Child Protection Assessment in the Example of Substitute Care. Journal of Family Social Work, 25(1), 3–7. Eprint link for the full access of the article is HERE

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2022). The voices of parents in Child Protective Services: A qualitative analysis of families’ struggles with COVID-19. Developmental Child Welfare, 4(2), 97–113.

Toros, K., Schults, A., & Lehtme, R. (2022). Knowledge and Good Practices Related to Early Identification of Children in Need/At-Risk and Support: Literature Review. Research Report. Tallinn University, Tallinn: CIRIC. Preliminary report can be found HERE

Toros, K., Schults, A., & Lehtme, R. (2022). Kirjandusanalüüs riskis laste varajase tuvastamise ja toetamise võimalustest ning parimatest praktikatest välisriikides. Uuringuraport. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, CIRIC. Esmased tulemused on leitavad SIIN

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2021). Structured peer group supervision: Systematic case reflection for constructing new perspectives and solutions. International Social Work,

Toros, K. (2021). A systematic review of children’s participation in child protection decision-making: Tokenistic presence or not? Children & Society, 35(3), 395–411. An overview of the article can be found here: A Systematic Review of Children’s Participation in Child Protection Decision-Making

Toros, K. (2021). Children’s participation in decision-making from child welfare workers’ perspectives: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(4), 367–374.

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2021). Strengths-based practice in child welfare: A systematic literature review. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30, 1586–1598.

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2021). “I do not want to cause additional pain …” – Child protection workers’ perspectives on child participation in child protection practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 24(1), 43–59.

Falch-Eriksen, A., Toros, K., Sindi, I., & Lehtme, R. (2021). Children expressing their views in child protection casework: Current research and their rights going forward. Child & Family Social Work, 26(3), 485–497. An overview of the article can be found here: Children expressing their views in child protection casework, Current research and their rights going forward

Lauri, K., Toros, K., & Lehtme, R. (2021). Participation in the child protection assessment: Voices from children in Estonia. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 38, 211–226.

Toros, K., Falch-Eriksen, A., & Wu, J. (2021). Listening to children’s voices in child protection practices: Child protection workers’ perspectives on child participation. In: R. Baikady, S.M. Sajid, J. Przeperski, V. Nadesan, M. Rezaul Islam, G. Jianguo (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 1–20).

Toros, K., & Falch-Eriksen, A. (2020). A child’s right to protection during the COVID-19 crisis: An exploratory study of the Child Protective Services of Estonia. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105568. An overview of the article can be found here: A child’s right to protection during the COVID-19 crisis, An exploratory study of the Child Protective Services of Estonia

Saia, K., Toros, K., & DiNitto, D.M. (2020). Interprofessional collaboration in social rehabilitation services for dually-involved Estonian youth: Perceptions of youth, parents, and professionals. Children and Youth Services Review, 113, 1−12.

Lehtme, R., & Toros, K. (2020). Parental engagement in child protection assessment practice: Voices from parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 113, 104968.

Saia, K., Toros, K., DiNitto, D.M., Leino, M., Sindi, I., & Tersteegen, E. (2019). Juvenile offender rehabilitation in Estonia: interprofessional collaboration in written assessments and specialists’ perceptions. European Journal of Social Work, 22(1), 121−133.

Sindi, I., & Strömpl, J. (2019). Who am I and where am I from? Substitute residential home children’s insights into their lives and individual identities. Child & Youth Services, 40(2), 120−139.

Toros, K. (2019). Undergraduate students’ perception of their own strengths and weaknesses as potential social workers. Journal of Social Work Practice, 33(1), 81−93.

Toros, K. (2019). Social work graduate students’ understanding of strength-eliciting questions in the context of social work assessment. The European Journal of Social Work, 22, 412−422.

Toros, K. (2019). Miracle question promotes open communication and positive interaction between clients and practitioners. International Social Work, 62(2), 483−486.

Toros, K., & LaSala, C.M. (2019). Child protection workers’ understanding of the meaning and value of self-reflection in Estonia. Reflective Practice, 20(2), 266−278.

Toros, K., DiNitto, D.M., & Tiko, A. (2018). Family engagement in the child welfare system: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 598−607.

Toros, K., & LaSala, M.C. (2018). Estonian child protection workers’ assessment perspectives: The need for competence and confidence. International Social Work, 61(1), 93−105.

Sindi, I., Strömpl, J., Toros., K. (2018). The Estonian way of deinstitutionalisation. Staff members’ perspective on residential substitute care. Experiences from an ethnography research in an Estonian SOS Children’s Village. Child & Youth Services, 39(4), 305−332.

Toros, K. (2017). Child protective workers’ reflections on principles underpinning the assessment of children in need: The case of Estonia. International Social Work, 6(5), 1255−1267.

Toros, K., LaSala, M., & Tiko, A. (2017). Assessment of the Developmental Needs of Children in Need: Estonian Child Protective Workers’ Case Reflections. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 843−852.

Arbeiter, E., & Toros, K. (2017). Participatory discourse: Engagement in the context of child protection assessment practices from the perspectives of child protection workers, parents and children. Children and Youth Services Review, 74, 17−27.

Arbeiter, E., & Toros, K. (2017). Parental engagement in child protection assessment: A qualitative analysis of worker and parent perspectives. International Social Work, 60(6), 1469−1481.

Välba, E., Toros, K., & Tiko, A. (2017). Family engagement within the context of assessment in child protection practice: The case of Estonia. Child & Family Social Work, 22(4), 1506−1514.

Toros, K., & Tiirik, R. (2016). Preschool teachers’ perceptions about and experience with child abuse and neglect. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(1), 21−30.