About Karmen Toros

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So far Karmen Toros has created 38 blog entries.

Open Access Book “Lastekaitsetöö ja osalusõigus” in Estonian language is here!


This book is the translation of the English book “Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate” [...]

Open Access Book “Lastekaitsetöö ja osalusõigus” in Estonian language is here!2022-10-25T14:01:58+03:00

Open Access Book “Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate” Now Published!


This book explains and discusses how a child’s right to freedom of expression is upheld through practice and decision-making in [...]

Open Access Book “Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child’s Right to Participate” Now Published!2022-10-06T00:23:31+03:00

Presentations about Food Inequality/Poverty and Social Work and Services in the UK by Dr. Alison McInnes on 6 June 2022!


Dr. Alison McInnes from Northumbria University will have two presentations on June 6th, 2022 via Zoom: (i) Food Insecurity/Poverty at [...]

Presentations about Food Inequality/Poverty and Social Work and Services in the UK by Dr. Alison McInnes on 6 June 2022!2022-05-27T14:58:43+03:00

CIRIC is involved in the project ‘Effective Justice – International and Comparative Approaches’


CIRIC is taking part of this two-year project (2021-2023), which identifies critical points and problems in a comparative perspective in [...]

CIRIC is involved in the project ‘Effective Justice – International and Comparative Approaches’2022-05-04T10:22:26+03:00

Interprofessional collaboration in social rehabilitation service for dually involved children in Estonia


Koidu Saia defended her dissertation on “Interprofessional collaboration in social rehabilitation service for dually involved children in Estonia” on April [...]

Interprofessional collaboration in social rehabilitation service for dually involved children in Estonia2022-04-25T15:02:15+03:00

Preliminary report ‘Knowledge and Good Practices Related to Early Identification of Children in Need/At-Risk and Support: Literature Review’ now published!


This literature review is a part of the larger five-objective study, a study about improving the system of timely identification [...]

Preliminary report ‘Knowledge and Good Practices Related to Early Identification of Children in Need/At-Risk and Support: Literature Review’ now published!2022-03-24T21:59:33+02:00
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